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Your Favorite, One-Stop Shop For All Contractor Jobs & Services Near You

Join us and enjoy searching for all of your needs in a friendly environment full of friendly people providing services from around the globe.

Come visit us at the centre of the city!

21 Jump Street. New York City, NY 10023

+1 212 030 7287

Today’s Menu

Our chef is preparing fresh dishes every day, check what is in the menu today!

Vegan friendly pasta with Rice Noodles

$ 23,33

A great plate with healthy ingredients, suitable for vegans too.

Rib Steak with Spicy herbs sauce and onions

$ 30,00

A great plate with healthy ingredients, suitable for vegans too.

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“…I just love being and having dinner there for all the reasons you imagine! Awesome restaurant! Great customer service and quality!…”


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